Saturday, December 18, 2010


I've recently gotten into HTML and CSS. I decided to take some classes outside my major, which I regret not doing earlier. I've emerged from the art building on campus in order to dive into the completely different terrain called the computer science building. It's not really called that but I'm an art student and don't know any better!

My Portfolio Website (major W.I.P)

My Class Website (Also Major W.I.P)

Trying to implement this kind of layout over break:

I'll see what I can produce. I can't wait to make little icons and graphics :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010


This is one of the two final projects I had for my glass class. This one took place in the Flameshop as was suppose to be a self portrait. Anyone who knows me and knows me well knows that my two favorite things are colors and cocktails (specifically how colorful the cocktails are). I also love cake, candy and everything else that begins with a C. I guess it was only natural this was all that had been on my mind through this entire class.

I decided to take them to the Med Ill studio and photograph them with a friend. I'm by no means a photographer which I'm sure this shows. In any case I had a lot of fun taking these photos. This is the first time I think I used something other than my Cell Phone of dinky camera from 2K.

Everything in these photos is glass aside from the 'cocktail' water, mat and cloth.
Everything is also very VERY tiny.

500 burns and scars later...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Bones, bones, bones. I used this assignment to practice my hands for the most part. I took a dive at the book 'Dynamic Hands' by Hogarth just for fun. I really dislike the style he uses on his hands but damn, he's good. Some of the poses may be familiar from that book. I'm trying to figure out my shapes a little better since I was beginning to lose that over the summer. Also got to sketch out a baby's skull (which the med ill studio here actually has) and a jaw. Oh.. and a knee. I drew it because I especially HATE the human knee.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sketchbook 1: More Cats

The first assignment was to draw 5 pages of something you liked in the medium you enjoyed working in. I meant to draw cupcakes but ended up drawing cats and then ocelots. I did a lot of these from reference and then attempted to use what I learned and draw from my head. I'm a little happy with some of these and terrified of others. I think I'm going to like this class though. Truth be told I have never ever kept a sketchbook (I know, I'm a horrible practicing illustrator). I'm very, VERY not use to traditional work. I'm having fun though!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Even MORE Tigers

I guess I should have posted this along with my other 'Tigers' post but I wasn't exactly thinking of this. It's been a year so I figured it was okay for me to post these up and use them around. They're the tigers I drew up for CIAS last year. They've been used all over the place and I'm always happy to see them even if they are just silly little things.

I also love drawing Tigers, still trying to figure out what to draw for my sketchbook assignment... maybe I should draw a bunch of big cats!

Friday, September 3, 2010


I suppose I should actually post things here that reflect my true passion. Since we're closing in on the beginning of the new school year I figured I should re-post some of the art from my older blog (which is out of commission now).This was one of the many Medical Legal assignments I did in the Spring Quarter of last year. This image shows a small hole in the heart allowing deoxygenated blood and oxygenated blood to pass through and mix. There is a giant problem with this image which was greatly overlooked. I believe the heart actually belonged to an infant rather than a grown adult. The heart that is shown in this image is from an adult human. The more you know!
This image is a simple depiction of an exercise. It was later put into illustrator as a lesson on how to do line art and line weight in the program. That image is currently on several flashdrives deep within the bowels of my boxes from my apartment move.

And last but not least a fairly vague assignment on cell structure. These are cells within the Villi of the small intestine.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


This is a secret test to see if I can actually start blogging. Considering this is the third blog I have ever created. I can't seem to ever find anything to upload here. If I do I'm always far too lazy to upload it. I like to hoard my work, much like a squirrel. Hopefully this particular blog wont be forgotten but we shall see.

The picture above I chose to upload isn't exactly a prime example of my skill or what I can do. It IS an example of the types of things I have been working on during the summer. Simple/doodle illustration and a mini experimental background. For this particular piece a friend paid me 60$ and told me to draw a tiger and an arctic fox. Immediately I Disney it up. I haven't tried a Disney-ish style in a long time. This style didn't come out completely Walt but you get the idea. Tigers were one of my favorite animals to do drawing studies of, especially a year or two ago. I really dig the shape of their faces. I don't feel I did the structure enough justice in this image.

As for the tiger herself not being traditionally colored take a look at this lovely animal:

This was the specific reference I was given to work with (among several images I found of tigers laying down and taking a snooze). The colors are a little more interesting than the simple orange brown and white I think.

All in all this was a fun image. I'm not 100% happy with it but what artist is with their work? I did have a lot of fun pretending I knew how to draw rocks.
